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First of all, let me refresh the main goals we have:

  • Update the Changelog
  • Create the release notes.

I have defined an interface for each goal:

  • IReleaseNotesBuilder
    • Create the release notes using the IChangesListAreaBuilder interface.
  • IChangelogBuilder
    • If there is a changelog, it adds the changes provided at first.
    • If there is not, it is created.
Interactive Diagram ๐Ÿ˜

All diagrams have links to the classes and interfaces code, just click on them!

classDiagram IChangelogBuilder <|-- ChangelogBuilder IReleaseNotesBuilder <|-- ReleaseNotesBuilder class IChangelogBuilder { <<interface>> +Build(string version, string[] changes, string path) void } class ChangelogBuilder{ -readonly IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder _changelogVersionNotesBuilder +Build(string version, string[] changes, string path) void -GetCurrentContent(string path) string -AppendContent(string path, string content) void -OverwriteContent(string path, string content) void } class IReleaseNotesBuilder { <<interface>> +Build(string[] changes) string } class ReleaseNotesBuilder { -readonly IChangesListAreaBuilder _changesListAreaBuilder +Build(string[] changes) string } %% Links click IChangelogBuilder href "" click ChangelogBuilder href "" click IReleaseNotesBuilder href "" click ReleaseNotesBuilder href ""

Main interfaces

Then, in order to have reusable classes between both processes. I implemented the following classes:

  • IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder:
    • Class that builds a Changelog Section with the changes provided.
      • Add two placeholder to divide sections: START-VERSION: and END-VERSION:
      • Add the version number as a Header
      • Add the current date
      • Append the changes formatted by IChangesListAreaBuilder
    • Called by the IChangelogBuilder.
classDiagram IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder <|-- ChangelogVersionNotesBuilder class IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder { <<interface>> +Build(string version, string[] changes) string } class ChangelogVersionNotesBuilder{ -readonly IChangesListAreaBuilder _changesListAreaBuilder +Build(string version, string[] changes) string } %% Links click IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder href "" click ChangelogVersionNotesBuilder href ""
  • IChangesListAreaBuilder:
    • Receives a list of changes (commit messages) and creates a list in MD format.
    • Called directly by IReleaseNotesBuilder. Also used by IChangelogVersionNotesBuilder.

As I want to be able to support both commits types (Conventional and Non-Conventional), I have two implementations for the IChangesListAreaBuilder:

  • ChangesAreaBuilderForConventionalCommits
    • It groups the commits received by type.
  • ChangesAreaBuilderForNonConventionalCommits
    • It simply lists the commits received
classDiagram IChangesListAreaBuilder <|-- ChangesAreaBuilderForConventionalCommits IChangesListAreaBuilder <|-- ChangesAreaBuilderForNonConventionalCommits class IChangesListAreaBuilder { <<interface>> +Build(string[] changes) string } class ChangesAreaBuilderForConventionalCommits { -readonly ICoventionalCommitParser _conventionalCommitParser -ChangelogSettings _changelogSettings +Build(string[] changes) string } class ChangesAreaBuilderForNonConventionalCommits { +Build(string[] changes) string } %% Links click IChangesListAreaBuilder href "" click ChangesAreaBuilderForConventionalCommits href "" click ChangesAreaBuilderForNonConventionalCommits href ""

It is worth mentioning that I have created the static class MarkdownBuilder for formatting text into MD:

classDiagram class MarkdownBuilder { <<static>> +Comment(string content)$ string +Title(string title, TitleLevel titleLevel)$ string +ListItem(string item, ListItemLevel listItemLevel)$ string } %% Links click MarkdownBuilder href ""

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