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Registering the services

The services required should be setup in your startup.cs by calling the AddChangelogServices method:

using cangulo.changelog.Extensions;
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Example at cangulo.nuke.releasecreator

The object passed is a ChangelogSettings instance. It sets the working mode (Conventional or Non-Conventional Commits) in the CommitsMode attribute. In case you want to go with the conventional ones, you have to provide the types in the ConventionalCommitsSettings.

public class ChangelogSettings
public CommitsMode CommitsMode { get; set; }
public ConventionalCommitsSettings ConventionalCommitsSettings { get; set; }

public class ConventionalCommitsSettings
public string[] Types { get; set; }
public enum CommitsMode
NonConventionalCommits, // Yes, I also allow non conventional commits

Definition at cangulo.changelog

Define those settings in a json file, maybe your appsettings, and parse them. Click Here to check an example
"commitsMode": "conventionalCommits",
"conventionalCommitsSettings": {
"types": [

Example at cangulo.nuke.releasecreator

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